rural new york

Rural New York: Sounds Ironic, Right? It Is Beautiful

As we have been driving from Maine to Pennsylvania several times this year, we drive through Rural New York. It seems ironic but that part of New York is absolutely beautiful. The mountainous areas include: the Adirondack Mountains, the Catskills and part of the Appalachian mountains. Whenever you hear about New York you usually think

Rural New York: Sounds Ironic, Right? It Is Beautiful Read More »

political signs

2024 Election Trends: Mystery of Missing Political Signs in Town

Yesterday we took a ride from Western Maine to northern New Hampshire on our trike. When we arrived in New Hampshire we saw several political signs for governors and former President Trump. It made me wonder as we rode through the mountains on this beautiful Sunday, where are all the political signs in our rural

2024 Election Trends: Mystery of Missing Political Signs in Town Read More »

are lupines deer resistant

Are Lupines Deer Resistant? 3 Cheap Ways To Deter Deer

As the beautiful lupines begin to bloom in early June around the mountains and rural countryside of Maine, gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike take notice. But with the arrival of these stunning plants comes the question: are lupines deer resistant? For those living in rural areas, this is a crucial concern, as deer can quickly

Are Lupines Deer Resistant? 3 Cheap Ways To Deter Deer Read More »

rural wind turbines

Is The Impact & Cost Of Wind Turbines For Rural Areas Worth It?

Wind energy has become one of the most popular renewable energy sources available today but is the cost of wind turbines worth it? As the demand for green energy continues to grow, so does the number of wind turbines being installed in rural areas around the world. But are the impact and cost of wind turbines

Is The Impact & Cost Of Wind Turbines For Rural Areas Worth It? Read More »

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