Do you think you can survive living in a rural area for a year? Do you know what type of rural skills you may need to survive and live well in a rural area? This post is for you with the skills you may need to help you survive living far apart from any city.
The Top 10 Rural Skills
1. CPR/First Aid
Most rural areas do not have quick access to medical care. A hospital could be hours away from your new rural area home. What if you or someone in your family has a heart attack? Would you be able to perform CPR? Do you have an AED available?
There is a virtual course available through the website. Of course, you will need good internet access and a smartphone to take the final test.
This rural skill along with the right tools may save someone you love’s life.
2. Gardening
Those who live in rural areas know that there are many benefits to country living. One of the aspects of rural living is the lack of grocery markets and food.
Sometimes, when supplies are low, your rural area may not be able to stock up at the local grocery store. By growing your food you may use canning for food and prepare for the future.
When you grow your own food, you know exactly what is going into it and can be sure of its quality. Not only that but it can save you a lot of money on food.
Gardening also gives you a chance to connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. Fresh air and sunshine are good for both your body and mind. Country living may have its challenges, but it can also be very rewarding if you have a few rural skills.

3. Hunting Rural Skills
If you live in a rural area, then chances are you are aware of the local hunting regulations. However, if you are new to the area or are thinking about moving to a rural area, then it is important to be aware of the laws regarding hunting.
In most states, there are specific seasons for hunting different animals, and it is important to only hunt within those times.
Additionally, many states have designated areas for hunting, so it is important to be aware of where you can and cannot hunt. By following these laws, you can ensure that you are able to enjoy the sport of hunting while also respecting the rights of others.
4. Cooking
Many rural areas do not have any fast food around for hours. There may be a few local restaurants but you will want to be able to cook most of the time at home. This is why it is important to invest in some good cooking tools and find recipes online that you can make with the ingredients that are available to you.

Of course, you may also try subscribing to Hello Fresh to receive fresh food that’s delivered regularly. This way, you can always have access to fresh ingredients to cook with, even if there are no grocery stores nearby. In rural areas, it is important to be self-sufficient and know how to cook meals from scratch.
With a little planning and effort, you can make sure that you always have access to good food, even if there are no restaurants for miles around.
5. Cutting Wood
To keep warm in the cold rural areas you may need to cut wood, not only to stay warm but to save money on higher energy bills.
Not only that but if trees fall on your property like across your driveway, you don’t have to have to wait for help and be able to take care of the fallen trees yourself.

If you have a lot of wood cut you may be able to sell the wood and make yourself some money as well.
6. Lawncare Rural Skills
Another thing about living in rural areas, since they are fewer people, they are fewer workers to take care of your lawn. You may need a tractor or some sort of big machine like an excavator if you have lots of rural land.
In addition, the rural area may not have the same level of access to resources and services as an urban area. This can be a significant challenge when it comes to lawn care.
For example, you may need to drive long distances to purchase supplies or hire professional services. However, rural living also has its advantages. For instance, you typically have more space and privacy.
In addition, you can often find lower-cost land and housing in rural areas. If you want to build your own log cabin that will require rural skills as well.
Ultimately, whether rural or urban living is right for you depends on your individual needs and preferences.
7. Snow Removal
If you live in rural areas of the northern hemisphere, you may need to do a lot of snow removal in order to keep your property accessible during the winter. This can be a difficult and time-consuming task, particularly if you don’t have the right equipment.
You may need to up your rural skills for this colder climate rural area.
You may want to consider investing in a snowmobile, which can make it much easier to get around in deep snow. Alternatively, you could take up snowshoeing, which is a great way to get some exercise while still being able to get around in snowy conditions.
Whichever method you choose, make sure you’re prepared for the challenges of winter in a rural area.

8. Spending Time Alone As Rural Skills
One of the first things you’ll notice when you move to a rural area is that you will have a lot more time alone. If you’re not used to it, this can come as quite a shock. There are a few things you can do to make sure you don’t get too lonely.
First, make sure you have some hobbies that you really enjoy. This way, you’ll always have something to keep you busy when you’re by yourself. You can also try to connect with your neighbors and build relationships with the people around you.
In rural areas, everyone knows each other and looks out for each other, so you’ll never really be alone if you don’t want to be.
Second, you could develop some rural skills with your extra time living in the woods. Pick something you will enjoy so you can master the rural skill.
Finally, embrace the quiet and use it as an opportunity to relax and recharge. After a while, you might even start to enjoy the peace and quiet of living in a rural area!
9. Organized Shopping – Stocking Up
If you liked to shop daily or weekly, you may want to reconsider moving to a rural area. Sometimes, you may have to travel hours to a big store like a Home Depot or an appliance store. Even a grocery store could be an hour or 2 hours away.
So you must plan and have lists of what you need ahead of time. Of course, you can also shop online if you have good internet service.
Buying in bulk is another way to be sure you don’t run out of anything if you can’t drive far to a store. That includes all types of medicines and supplies besides food.
10. Flexibility Living In A Rural Area
Yes, flexibility is a must-have skill living in a rural area. Living in a rural area can be a great way to enjoy a slower pace of life and escape the hustle and bustle of the city. However, it’s important to be aware that rural living comes with its own set of challenges.
One of the most important skills you’ll need to develop is flexibility. While you may be used to having everything you need within easy reach, in a rural area you may need to go out of your way to get basic necessities. This may mean driving to the nearest town for groceries or investing in some good cooking tools so you can prepare meals from scratch.
Whatever the case, being flexible and adaptable will go a long way toward making rural living work for you.
Your Turn On Rural Skills
How do you find living in a rural area? Which rural skills do you think are the most important? And which rural skills would you add to this list?