
Friendsgiving Ideas In A Rural Area – 5 Easy Tips To Start

Friendsgiving has been around for a few years now. One of the best things about living in a rural area is the sense of community. When you live in a small town, everyone knows everyone, and that can be really special. However, it may take time to make some true friends nearby. But it also means that when holidays roll around, you might not have family close by to celebrate with. That’s why I’ve put together 5 Friendsgiving ideas for you.

If you’re looking for some Friendsgiving ideas this year, look no further. Here are a few fun Friendsgiving

ideas to get you started in your rural area.

What is it?

Friendsgiving is a Thanksgiving celebration with one’s friends, as opposed to one’s family. It happens a lot as people move away from home especially from rural areas to cities for work, etc.

1. Plan Ahead

Plan ahead and delegate tasks. One of the best things about Friendsgiving is that it’s a potluck-style meal, which means everyone can contribute something. To make sure everything comes together smoothly, plan ahead and delegate tasks.

Make a list of everything that needs to be done.

From cooking and cleaning to setting the table and decorating – and assign those tasks to different people in your group. That way, no one feels overwhelmed and everyone knows what they need to do to help make the day a success.

We’ve been doing potlucks for the past year with 3 other couples from time to time. It’s easier than one person making everything.

Plus all the cleaning that goes into it before having guests over for the potluck.

2. Pot Luck Dinners For Friendsgiving

This is a great way to try out new recipes and get everyone involved in meal planning. Plus, it’s a great way to save money on your Friendsgiving feast.

Just assign each person to bring a dish and voila – you’ve got yourself a delicious meal.

Get creative with your menu. Just because you’re not spending Thanksgiving with family doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy all your favorite traditional dishes.

But if you’re looking to mix things up, there are plenty of other options too.

You could do a themed menu (like an Italian-style Thanksgiving feast or a Mexican-inspired turkey dinner), or you could ditch the turkey altogether in favor of another type of the main dish. The sky’s the limit – so get creative!

brussel sprouts

Don’t forget about dessert. What’s a Thanksgiving feast without pumpkin pie? If you’re not into baking, no worries – you can always purchase something at the bakery if you plan ahead. 

However, sometimes we have had the best potlucks at the last minute when everyone could get together. It’s not always easy with everyone’s jobs and families that come to visit, etc.

3. Play Some Games

Another Friendsgiving idea is to play games. Board games, charades, or even just some good old-fashioned truth or dare are all great ways to get everyone laughing and having fun together.

Just make sure you have some snacks on hand to keep everyone’s energy up.

What are some fun games?

  • Mexican Train
  • Scrabble
  • Trivia
  • Monopoly
  • Pool (if one has a table)
  • Ping Pong

4. Go For A Nature Walk or Ride

If you’re lucky enough to live in a beautiful area, take advantage of it. Get everyone together for a nice long walk and enjoy the scenery. Maybe even bring along a picnic lunch to enjoy along the way.

However, if it is a cold climate like where we live, you could go out and watch a beautiful sunset on a lake. Or go on a snowshoe walk, ski, or for a snowmobile ride.

Friendsgiving sunset view

5. Make Friendsgiving Fun

Make it fun! The whole point of Friendsgiving is to have fun with your friends, so make sure that’s at the forefront of everything you do. Whether you play games, watch football, or just sit around and chat all day, take some time to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

That’s what this holiday is all about after all, so don’t get lonely this year.

Conclusion: Friendsgiving in Rural Areas

Celebrating Friendsgiving is a great way to enjoy all the best parts of Thanksgiving – the food, the company, the gratitude – without all the stress of travel and family drama. And if you’re not sure how to get started, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered here.

Just follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to hosting a Friendsgiving celebration that everyone will remember for years to come. Not only that but you could do the same for Christmas and New Year’s Eve if you are away from the family living in a rural area.

Have you had a Friendsgiving in your area yet? It’s still not too late to have a get-together for Friendsgiving any day of the year.

I’d love to hear more about your get-together living in a rural area or other Friendsgiving ideas you may have.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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