living in rural area

Living In A Rural Area – 7 Things You Need To Know First

Making the move from an urban or suburban area to a rural one can be a Culture shock. There are many things that you should take into consideration before you make the move and begin living in a rural area.

This guide will help you understand some of the key differences between rural and urban life so that you can be prepared for what lies ahead as you make a big move.

You will be able to answer the question: Is living in a rural area worth it?

What You Will Notice First

One of the first things you’ll notice is that fewer people are living in rural areas. In fact, according to the United States Census Bureau, less than 15% of the population resides in rural areas. This means that there are fewer people to interact with daily.

If you’re used to being around people all the time, this may be a difficult adjustment for you.

You will notice as you visit the grocery store, a doctor’s office, or the post office that there are barely any lines.

However, it also means that you’ll have more opportunities to form close-knit relationships with your new neighbors. Those that are around may want to chit-chat as it becomes a luxury in a rural area.

And then they are others who are just not very social. After all, that is why they probably moved into a rural area or were brought up in one.

Everyone Knows Everyone in Rural Areas

Speaking of neighbors, another thing you’ll notice is that everyone knows each other in a rural area. This can be both good and bad. On the one hand, it’s nice to always have someone looking out for you and your family.

On the other hand, it can be difficult to keep your business private. If you’re not used to living in such close quarters with your neighbors, it may take some time to get used to.

The Economy Of Living In A Rural Area

Rural areas also tend to be more economically depressed than urban ones. This means that there are fewer job opportunities and that the available jobs tend to pay less than their urban counterparts. It’s important to keep this in mind when considering a move to a rural area.

However, in today’s strange economy that may not be the case. In certain rural areas, people are always looking for help at the grocery store or local restaurant. Others are looking for construction workers living in a rural area.

Therefore, you may need to readjust your expectations when it comes to your career or start a new one.

farmers markets are common living in a rural area

7 Characteristics Of Rural Area

1. You’ll have More Space

If you’re tired of cramped apartments and overcrowded streets, moving to a rural area is the perfect solution. Some rural homes tend to be larger than urban ones, and you’ll also have a bigger yard.

This extra space can be used for everything from starting a garden to hosting outdoor parties. And since there are fewer people around, you won’t have to worry about disturbing your neighbors when making noise.

2. You’ll Get More Exercise

In a rural area, it’s easy to get out and about and get some fresh air—something that can be difficult to do in an urban environment. Whether you go for hikes in the woods or take walks around the neighborhood, being active will be a natural part of your daily routine.

As a bonus, you’ll get to appreciate nature more when you live in a rural area. You will find yourself surrounded by it most of the time, from the moment you step out of your home and even after you go to bed if you leave the windows open.

The sounds can lull you into sleep.  That’s the best health benefits of living in rural areas, better exercise and sleep.

3. You’ll Eat Fresher Food

One of the best characteristics of a rural area is having access to fresh, locally-grown food. Not only is this food tastier than what you’d find in the supermarket, but it’s also cheaper. And if you’re ambitious, you can even grow your fruits and vegetables right in your backyard!

You probably will have more room to grow food in that large garden or invest in a greenhouse on your property living in a rural area.

In rural areas where winter is the longest, you can learn to get started with your garden before spring.  It is something I did last March by planting seeds indoors. It was a fun project to watch and transplant just before the warm June weather.

4. You’ll Have Fewer Distractions

Living in a rural area means fewer things are competing for your attention. With no noisy traffic or bright lights to distract you, it’ll be easier to focus on work, spend time with family, or simply relax and enjoy some peace.

Your internet service may not always be top-notch living in a rural area, so there may be days you can shut down the laptop and spend more time outdoors if you work from home.

Or, like me, you may have to get up early and work before the internet slows down.  Planning is always a must in a rural area.

5. You’ll Feel Closer to Friends and Family —and Make New Ones

In a small town or village, everyone knows each other—which can be both good and bad! On the plus side, it’s easy to stay connected with friends and family members who live nearby.

And if you don’t know anyone in your new community yet, don’t worry—it won’t take long before you may feel like one of the locals yourself.

One note: it may take longer than you anticipate to make friends and feel like part of the community. Have patience, give it time, and get involved to meet new people.

6. You’ll Become Part of a Close-Knit Community

There’s something special about living in a close-knit community where people look out for each other. Whether it’s bringing over a casserole when someone’s sick or lending a hand with chores, people in rural areas tend to help each other out.

This sense of community can make life very enjoyable —and sometimes even stressful situations seem bearable knowing that everyone has your back.

7. You’ll Learn to Slow Down and Appreciate Life More

One of the best things about living in a rural area is that it forces you to slow down and appreciate the important things in life. With no busy streets or hectic schedules, life moves at a much slower pace —and that can be very refreshing!

Or for some younger people, can get bored quickly if not involved in activities. If you have children it is best to sign them up for local activities in the area.

Try Living in Rural Area Part-Time First

If at all possible try to live in a rural area part-time before you make the jump from city life to a rural lifestyle. You can slowly adjust and test out if you like the 7 things you notice living in a rural area.

You could rent a temporary home or apartment to see how you and your family adjust to the new living area. From the people to the food to the weather and way of life, it will be different from the urban or city living that you are most likely used to. There may be wind turbines nearby where you want to live. If you don’t want noise nearby you may want to check the ordinances of them out prior.

You may find there are more disadvantages of living in a rural area than advantages.

Wrapping It Up: Living In A Rural Area

There are many differences between life in a rural area and life in an urban area. From the number of people, you’ll interact with daily to the state of the economy, it’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself into before making the move.

We hope that this blog post has helped you better understand some of the key characteristics of rural vs. urban life so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not a move is right for you.

Have you lived in a rural area? What else what you add to that list? Drop us a comment below about it.

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